This is the second important characteristic of a D.C. motor.It is linear and is used to calculate the no-load current and the currentwith the rotor stationary (start-up current)
The graph for this relationship does not vary with the supply voltage
of the motor. The end of the curve is extended in accordance with the torque and the start-up current .
This torque constant is such that::C=Kc(I-Io) The otational friction torque is Kc. Io. The torque is therefore expressed as follows :C=Kc. I-Cf Cf=Kc. Io
Kc = Torque constantr (N.m/A) C = Torque (N.m)
Cd= Start-up Torque (N.m) Cf = Rotational friction torque (N.m)
I = Current (A) Io = No-load current (A) Id = Start-up current (A)
The gradient of this curve is called the "torque constant" of the